Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy 4th!!!!

We didn't really get that many pictures of our 4th of July this year but I will show the few that Justin did end up taking.

Here you go Jenny, I think this is the only picture I have of myself since I've been pregnant. Can't really tell I'm pregnant in this one and it's not that great of picture
but I guess it will have to do. :) I'll try to get a better picture of my pregnant self soon.
Jaiden enjoying his small amount of candy that he picked up.

We tried to get Jaiden excited for the parade that morning at breakfast. We told him that there was going to be fire trucks, and ambulances, and horses and then he continued the list by saying, "And lions, and elephants, and giraffes." We thought that was pretty funny. Jaiden had a rough time during the parade. He wasn't that excited for it. He just sat on my lap pretty much the whole time and I couldn't figure out why he was so down. After the parade, he looked at me with a sad face and said, "There wasn't even any lions mom." So I guess that's why he was so sad.
Jaiden's favorite part of the 4th of July celebrations was the fireworks. We let him stay up for the fireworks show at the park that night. We thought for sure that he would be scared of them because he doesn't like loud noises but as soon as they started he was so excited for them. He just sat there on the lawn staring at them with a big smile on his face the whole time.