Monday, February 18, 2008

We love Chocolate!!

Okay, I will let you all know this is how I over did it with chocolate at our house. Justin thought he could get away with trying to eat healthy on Valentine's Day but he forgot what kind of woman he was married to. hee hee So we had good intentions when we went to Walmart a week before Valentine's day and only bought one bag of Valentine's chocolates. Then throughout the week I was thinking to myself how cute it would be to have the pink whoppers for Valentine's Day. So I snuck over to Walmart again and bought those. (Justin didn't know about the Whoppers until the day of) Then I was trying to think of something cute to make for Josh and Jenny and maybe some other people if I got ambitious enough. I thought of making brownies and cutting them into heart shapes with frosting designs. They turned out really cute. I only made a plate for Josh and Jenny and then I had a lot left over so I put those on a plate for us too. Oh, and I put the leftover brownie that wasn't heart shaped in the freezer for future brownie sundaes. Then on Valentine's Eve, I went to the Young Women's activity where the boys from church had a surprise for all of the girls. They gave all the girl's in our Young Women's group a teddy bear and a chocolate rose and gave all of the Young Women's leaders a pretty big box of chocolates. SO I also had that chocolate. My mom also sent us a bag of chocolate to add to all of that. Anyway, that is how the great chocolate festival in the Lyman household came to pass. Justin and I also spent our Valentine's eating scrumptious food at Denny's. (One of the safer places to eat in Douglas) We had a lot of fun!


Amber Horspool said...

Yummy! I want some of those pink whoppers. I bet Justin loved them!
You did a great job on those heart brownies. They're so cute!

Jenny LaBo said...

That was an awesome plate by the way :)