Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jaiden the Cutie

Jaiden is almost to old to call a cutie but I'm going to get away with it one more time for the sake of this blog.  It is very hard to get a picture of Jaiden now because he does not like to hold still at all but here are a few that I took as fast as I could.  I can't believe that he is turning two this month.  He isn't a little baby sad.  


Jenny LaBo said...

We at the One Stop ooooh and ahhh'd and the cute pictures.
We miss you guys so much!

lymanfam said...

we miss you too!

Marianne007 said...

Congrats on the house. We've been in ours for a year, and I still haven't put up any remodel pics because I never feel like we've really finished anything to quite how we want it...or it's not decorated yet, or whatever. But way to go on all the painting and tiling. Sounds so familiar! I just found your blog and there I am at the top of your link list! I should have figured it out sooner. And Jaiden is definitely a cutie! Haven't seen him in so long. Take care! --Annie

Josh said...

Okay, time to start force-feeding him coffee or something to keep him from growing. He doesn't even look like the kid who used to live here, anymore.

Amber Horspool said...

stop calling him cutie?! no way! he won't be too old for that for a really long time:) (I can't believe he's almost two!!!) We're excited to see you guys in a few weeks!