We had a really fun Easter this weekend. Yesterday, we did an Easter egg hunt for Jaiden. It was so cute to watch him try to find all of the eggs. I didn't think he would really get the point but once he picked up the first egg and opened it and saw that there was candy in it, he knew exactly what to do with the rest of the eggs lying on the ground. His favorite candy is jelly beans so that's mostly what we put in his eggs. After that, we had a barbecue with Josh and Jenny (they came to the Easter egg hunt too). It was a great afternoon, hanging out with them and eating good food too. What more could you ask for? This morning, we headed to church to take in the spirit of Easter. I love the music that is sung on Easter. It is beautiful. The only thing that didn't really work out as usual was our Easter dinner. It was a little lacking this year. I didn't really want to be buying a ham or anything since we are moving in a couple of days, so for our "fancy" Easter dinner we had Salmon and rice with peaches. Justin made me laugh so much when we sat down to dinner tonight and the first thing he said was "Bless this Easter fish" It just sounded so funny. Hope everyone had a happy Easter!!!
Last Tuesday, I was lucky to get a big load of boxes from Jenny from her work. I was so excited to get them so I could start packing "right away". Then Josh dropped a few off on Thursday for us too add to the pile of empty boxes we still had. I thought for sure that would get me motivated to pack. Nope, didn't work. Now it is Sunday night and of course they are still empty. This week I have to though, I have no other choice so I will get busy tomorrow. I want to thank Jenny and Josh for being life savers and finding all of these boxes for us. I'm glad we had the boxes available if I really did feel like packing. We are so excited to move back to Blanding. Justin is doing so well on his testing and is excited to go back to work and well, I am just excited to be back with family again (and have carpet again). But we are also sad to be leaving all of the friends that we have made here at church and around campus and especially our good neighbors. We will miss them so much. But I guess we have to do it sooner or later so we might as well get started.
On Saturday, we went into Douglas in hopes of seeing the Annual airshow at the airport with Josh and Jenny. We were really excited to take Jaiden because he loves watching the airplanes take off here at the college and he is always pointing to them in the sky. Well, we went and waited around for about an hour and a half and due to the crazy wind, they had to wait for two more hours to see if it would calm down. Jaiden was getting very tired and very moody very fast so we decided to forget waiting any longer and get him home for a nap. So, we really didn't get to see the actual airshow but Jaiden was super excited to see all of the planes taking off and flying around before the actual show. Josh and Jenny stayed and waited for the show and said that it didn't start until two and a half hours later at 3:30. They had a lot of fun though and said the show was worth the wait. If you actually want to see the airplanes in action instead of just pictures of us then you'll have to go over to Jenny's blog to check out her slideshow.
Me, Jaiden and Jenny went to Sierra Vista last week just for a day of fun and shopping together. We went to McDonald's for breakfast and took a few pictures while we were there. We were to busy shopping to take any more pictures for the rest of the day but I thought these ones were so cute that Jenny took of me and Jaiden. I never remember my camera for anything so we just have steal all of Jenny's pictures. :)
I have to apologize to all of you who've been checking our blog to see if we've posted anything during the past couple of days. I've been a slacker in the blogging department lately so to make it up to you I have a whole lot of pictures of Jaiden for you all to see today. I'm sorry it is going to be a really long post but I just don't think that anyone can get tired of looking at pictures of Jaiden.
We decided that since all we have in front of our apartment is a huge cement patio, Jaiden needed some sidewalk chalk to decorate it with. We had to remove his pants so they wouldn't get dirty, in case anyone is wondering about the choice of outfit he has on.
This is Jaiden's new thing that he likes to do lately: wrap himself up in his monkey blanket and wander around the hosue
We just wanted to dedicate a post to Shelly & Jeremy and say congratulations to them. They just found out a couple of days ago that they are going to be having a girl and we are so happy for the two of them. Shelly, we're so glad that you are having the little girl that you wanted.
Today we had to say goodbye to a long time friend, Mel the Koala Bear, Jaiden's trusty side kick. Jaiden and I went to Sierra Vista this morning to go to a Relief Society Conference and afterwards, we went and did a little shopping. (Which I shouldn't have tried in heels) Sometime during that shopping, Jaiden dropped his koala and I didn't even notice until we were driving back home. I feel so bad that I never even saw it drop. Poor Jaiden just had to watch it land on the floor and then be taken away...okay, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. Luckily, we already had a backup that we tried to get him to sleep with before. I guess that's one way to switch him over to it.