Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Well, We tried...

On Saturday, we went into Douglas in hopes of seeing the Annual airshow at the airport with Josh and Jenny. We were really excited to take Jaiden because he loves watching the airplanes take off here at the college and he is always pointing to them in the sky. Well, we went and waited around for about an hour and a half and due to the crazy wind, they had to wait for two more hours to see if it would calm down. Jaiden was getting very tired and very moody very fast so we decided to forget waiting any longer and get him home for a nap. So, we really didn't get to see the actual airshow but Jaiden was super excited to see all of the planes taking off and flying around before the actual show. Josh and Jenny stayed and waited for the show and said that it didn't start until two and a half hours later at 3:30. They had a lot of fun though and said the show was worth the wait. If you actually want to see the airplanes in action instead of just pictures of us then you'll have to go over to Jenny's blog to check out her slideshow.

1 comment:

Jenny LaBo said...

Serioualy only 13 days!!!!! Good Grief!
Thanks for posting.