Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jaiden the Superstar

I have to apologize to all of you who've been checking our blog to see if we've posted anything during the past couple of days. I've been a slacker in the blogging department lately so to make it up to you I have a whole lot of pictures of Jaiden for you all to see today. I'm sorry it is going to be a really long post but I just don't think that anyone can get tired of looking at pictures of Jaiden.

We decided that since all we have in front of our apartment is a huge cement patio, Jaiden needed some sidewalk chalk to decorate it with. We had to remove his pants so they wouldn't get dirty, in case anyone is wondering about the choice of outfit he has on.

This is Jaiden's new thing that he likes to do lately: wrap himself up in his monkey blanket and wander around the hosue

Future Airplane Mechanic

Like Father Like Son


Kara said...

Adam used to eat sidewalk chalk at that age. I hope Jaiden sticks with the pacifier instead. :)

lymanfam said...

Nope, he hasn't started to eat it yet thank goodness. He was trying to eat rocks every time we went outside before so I am glad he's out of that phase now.