Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our Crazy Night

So last night was just a little bit scary for us. We went to bed like every other night and we were sleeping really good. Upstairs, my dad was up probably until midnight and when he went to bed he could smell smoke. He waited for awhile and the smell was getting stronger the longer he waited. He realized it was probably coming from the basement where we are staying right now. We have a little wood pellet heater that keeps us nice and warm down there. Well, when my dad ran downstairs the whole basement was filled with smoke coming from the heater. He came and knocked on our bedroom door and was telling us to wake up. I think we all breathed too much smoke because we were in a really deep sleep and we were a little out of it when he came down. After he woke us up he went to check that Jaiden was okay and breathing okay. (He was fortunately) Turns out that one of the wood pellets had made its way down into the ashes still burning really well and it was making a lot of smoke so my dad took the tray outside and got rid of it. No big deal really just a lot of smoke from a little pellet but I am so grateful that he knew to come downstairs when he did. I don't know what would have happened if he hadn't. It was kind of weird because when my dad was waking us up I kind of flashed back a couple of years ago when this same house had a small fire in it and we were awoken by our neighbor ringing our doorbell and telling us to get out of the house. So when my dad came down to wake us up and then I smelled smoke, I automatically thought that the basement was on fire and it really freaked me out until I saw that it was just the smoke. I'm glad that's all that it was.


Jenny LaBo said...

Praise God you guys are okay!!! That is so scary!

lymanfam said...

Yep, just had a little congestion the next day but other than that we're fine. :)