Sunday, April 20, 2008


I decided to write a little update on how we are doing, as we have been slacking a little in the blogging department. Work is going really well, I am really enjoying being back to normal life. We are really enjoying being back close to family, though we miss the friends we made while in Arizona. We are in the process of buying a house, well hopefully if everything works out that is. Jaiden is doing really well, he loves his Grandma and Grandpa Byrd, and Fritz their dog. He loves to follow grandpa around the house to see what he's doing. Marie has been busy filling out loan applications and chasing Jaiden around. Marie has also been busy planning Sara's baby shower, which she is also really enjoying. It is finally warming up here, but it has been really windy, which isn't fun to drive the scooter to work in, but hopefully it will subside soon. I spent most of the day Saturday at my grandparents house with my uncle Charles running the tractor and doing some other things around the yard trying to keep it under control. We will hopefully find some time to keep up on the blog a little better, and hopefully we will get some new pictures up soon, when we get around to taking some that is.


Julie Avery said...

Hi - Its been a while huh?! Good to hear from you! Love your blog design, I wouldn't expect anything less! (Your such a computer junky) haha.


Jenny LaBo said...

So glad things are going well for you!!!
You guys are missed here though :)